Thursday, January 7, 2010

Form is Emptiness. Emptiness is Form.

Let us open up the sky
Let us make it to sea
In my dreams I'm only seeing waves
This drive along the coastline
Hints of sun and ocean breeze
I've never been graced with Form
But Emptiness found on the shore is all the same
We will make this our home
Looking through a broken hotel window held open by bricks
Just the faintest glimpse of the Pacific
Is enough to make us stay
The sound of seaside trains
All is well at the end of a day

I am in need of roadtrips.
Seriously, driving is a hobby of mine. I can not think of the last time Lindsay willingly drove when we both went out, because it is just known that I want to drive. I actually enjoy the drive to Prescott, Oceanside, or wherever we go ALMOST as much as actually being in the towns. The open road is my open sea. I have never sailed, and probably would get deathly sick (To this day if I am not driving I get very carsick. As a child I literally threw up everyday when my mom would drive my dad to work). So for the time being until I gather courage, as well as funds to go on a cruise or just sail for the heck of it, my car is my ship and the road is the endless sea, taking me to wherever I desire.

First time Emerson ever went to the ocean. Don't know why, but I have always loved this picture. I honestly don't remember how Emerson was once that tiny and bald.

Today, at work, I was researching on homes (I work for an HOA law firm), and while doing so my old house in the older area of Ahwatukee came up. That little google streetview showed up and there it was, my old house, just the way it was back then. My grandmother bought it for my mom after she had left my dad, and we had lived at random friend's small apartments, and also a hotel. It was 1998, I was eleven years old. I lived in that house until May of 2007, basically part of elementary, middle school, and high school. The memories I have of that house just by seeing one picture hit me so hard it actually kind of scared me. From the looks of it, my grandmother never even sold the house. If I had the means, I would find a way to contact her and rent it out in a heartbeat. If only right? It's funny how a structure made out of wood, glass, drywall, steel, and other hardware... can make you feel so much. It's just a cookie cutter house in a neighborhood built 25 years ago. But it was the first actual home I had ever lived in. I miss it terribly.

Lindsay and I just watched the movie Doubt, and wow I have to say that I will never understand movie critics. Blah blah blah the acting the acting oh the suspense. Um yeah, it was boring, nothing happened, you learn nothing. Lame! Oh well, back to our Lost. We decided to start from the beginning again. Seriously, we got through the first season during Lindsay's summer break in less than a week. That is 25 hour long episodes... in less than a week. By the way, Doctor Jack Shepard is actually me.

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